Do You Want To Learn How To Grow Mushrooms?
Download ​Our ​Free ​Guide: How To Set​ Up A Low Tech Mushroom ​Farm
​Take A Quick Tour Of Our Farm
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How Do You Want To Get Started?
#1: Grow A Mushroom Kit At Home
Harvest your own fresh Oyster mushrooms at home with one of our grow your own mushroom kits
#2: Take A Mushroom Growing Course
Check out our online and in-person mushroom cultivation courses to learn more about growing mushrooms the low tech way
​Growing mushrooms… the easy way!
​Adam Sayner, GroCycle
​Are you thinking about growing mushrooms but ​aren’t really ​sure where to start?
​Mushroom growing is often seen as a complex process.
​But in our experience, anyone can learn to do it pretty easily if they choose the right methods.
​We’ve spent the last ​10 years focussed on finding the easiest ‘low-tech’ ways to cultivate mushrooms.​
​If you want to keep it super quick and easy, you can get started with one of our popular grow-your-own mushroom kits.
But if you want to grow mushrooms as a hobby, side-line income or even a full time business, then what’s the be​st way to ​go about it?
​Well, if you start scouting around the internet you’ll find all sorts of over-complicated ways to do it..
…pressure cookers, sterile laboratories, conflicting advice on the right methods….​I know, because that’s how I taught myse​lf how to grow many years ​​back.
However, I’m a big fan of keeping things simple, and together with my colleague Eric, we’ve ​made it the mission of GroCycle to demistify mushroom growing.​We call our approach: Low Tech Mushroom Farming​.
You don’t need lots of really expensive equipment or large amounts of space, and you don’t need years of experience to grow ​successfu​lly.
In fact, most of the 1000+ people we’ve taught over the years have never grown a mushroom before in their life!
​If you’d like our free eBook about How To Set Up A Low Tech Mushroom Farm, just enter your email below and I’ll send it over.​The guide explains more about what low tech mushroom farming is, why i​t’s an easier way to grow mushrooms, and ​how to ​go about building a low tech mushroom farm for yourself.
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